Camera Club Governance

This governance has been prepared for prospective, new and existing members, so that by knowing the governance, we might all enjoy the Camera Club activities that much better.
In general, the governance has been formulated to ensure that involvement in the activity is as fair as possible, regardless if you are one of the participants, the committee member or an external organisation, dealing with CLUB. No organisation can exist without governance; it exists to make participation better for all who follow it.

Where the following abbreviations appear, they shall have the meanings set out below:
AGM – Annual General Meeting
GM – General Meeting
SPC – Sports Council
DOOLEYS – DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club
COMMITTEE – Executive Committee
CLUB – DOOLEYS Camera Club

Any matter not specifically covered within these rules shall be determined by the SPC and the Constitution of DOOLEYS.

The COMMITTEE of the CLUB shall be:
Vice President
Minutes Secretary
Competition Secretary
Assistant Competition Secretary
Publicity Officer
Events Coordinator
Digital Secretary
Committee Members – three (3)

The Club shall be known as the DOOLEYS Camera Club, being affiliated under the Constitution of DOOLEYS and shall be referred to in this governance as the “CLUB”.

The object of the CLUB is to promote and encourage the participation in Camera Club and any other activities as seen fit and proper by the Board of Directors of DOOLEYS.

At all times the CLUB shall abide by any direction given by Management on behalf of Directors of DOOLEYS.

Members of the CLUB shall be financial members of DOOLEYS.

To become a member of the CLUB, a Membership Form must be completed, and membership fee paid. A valid DOOLEYS membership card must be presented. The membership application is then processed by the COMMITTEE.

Should a member have their DOOLEYS membership rights suspended as a result of disciplinary action, then their membership of the CLUB shall also be suspended, until such time as the Disciplinary Committee of the DOOLEYS Board reinstates their membership rights.

If a financial member allows for their DOOLEYS membership to lapse for any reason, then their membership of the CLUB also lapses.

Disciplinary proceedings may be taken against a member of the CLUB in accordance with the rules of the CLUB, and/or the Constitution of DOOLEYS.

A fee determined by the COMMITTEE and ratified at the AGM will be charged as a membership fee only and is payable within a period of time designated by the COMMITTEE.

A register of all financial members shall be retained and made available to DOOLEYS’ Management or members of the Board following the CLUB AGM.

Visitors are welcome to come to the CLUB’S meetings, providing it is not to the detriment in any way of any CLUB’S or DOOLEYS member. Should the visitor decide to take a part in any of the workshops, competitions or other CLUB’S activities, he or she must first become a member of DOOLEYS and the CLUB.

All persons participating in the activities of the CLUB, do so at their own risk and DOOLEYS takes no responsibility for any liability due to any injury.


The management of the CLUB and custody of its funds and property shall be vested in the COMMITTEE of the CLUB.

The Treasurer of the CLUB shall deposit all monies received in a bank account opened in the name of the “DOOLEYS Camera Club”.

All payments made by cheque shall be signed by two of the following COMMITTEE members, depending on availability: President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary.

All money received and spent shall be recorded and receipted.

DOOLEYS reserves the right to review the CLUB’S financial records on a regular basis.

Required financial information is to be submitted to the Chairman of the SPC annually to qualify for any grant approved by the Board of Directors of DOOLEYS.

An application shall be made to DOOLEYS for a grant to promote and help with the CLUB’S activities, detailing how the funds are going to be used, and as part of the annual budgeting process.


The GM of the CLUB shall be held twice a month at DOOLEYS Regents Park, on the second and the fourth Friday of each month at 7:30pm.

The CLUB shall maintain liaison with the SPC, shall appoint two (2) delegates of its COMMITTEE to attend the four (4) SPC meetings held at DOOLEYS and shall present a report on CLUB’S operations for each such SPC meeting.

The AGM of the CLUB shall be held in November.


The CLUB is run by a COMMITTEE of fourteen (14) executives, elected by CLUB’S members at the AGM.

A list of COMMITTEE for the current year must be forwarded to the SPC each year shortly after the AGM or whenever a change occurs.


The CLUB has prepared its own rules pertaining to its activities. These rules must be submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors of DOOLEYS through the SPC. Such rules shall not include or conflict with items and subjects listed in this document or the Constitution of DOOLEYS.

The governance of the CLUB can only be changed at the AGM of the CLUB. Changes may be submitted to the Secretary not less than thirty (30) days before the date set for the AGM. A majority of two-thirds of financial members at the AGM is required for any changes to be successful. Amendments proposed and approved at the AGM will have no effect unless it has been approved by the resolution of the Board.