Competitions Rules

General Rules

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  1. Each entrant must be a financial member.

2. Each member is eligible to enter a maximum of 4 prints and 3 digital images. These can consist of either 2 small prints and 1 large print either colour or large monochrome, 2 small prints and 2 large prints, 2 large monochrome and 2 large colour prints and the 3 digital entries. Seven (7) entries in all. Small prints can be Colour or Monochrome.

  1. An image which has received a merit or credit cannot be entered in DOOLEYS Camera Club point score competitions again. It can be eligible for “Image of the Year” external competitions and interclub competitions.
  2. In each competition night an author should not enter the same image in more than one section. Any image which has not received an award in a previous competition may be re-entered again. The image may be altered, particularly after a judge suggests changes and it can be changed from colour to monochrome.
  3. All entries must be accompanied by an entry form, including Digital and completed forms to be handed in no later than 7.15pm, filled in with all the appropriate boxes ticked and prints placed on the stands.
    If you have any queries regarding which stand to place your image, ask a committee member, as it can be a little confusing when we have Set subjects. Look for the blue section cards on each stand.
  4. Each print should have an identification label on the back, with preferably, to the “top” of the print.
    The title of the print
    Dooleys Camera Club,
    Section e.g., Small Print, Large Colour or Monochrome
    Your Name
    Open or Set – and an arrow pointing
  5. Images Sizes
    Sizes of Small Prints.
    The whole of the mount must not exceed 500sq cms.  e.g. 20cms x 25cms (500sq cms). The image itself cannot exceed 300sq cms. e.g 15cms x 20cms (300sq cms) or less.

Size of Large Colour and Large Monochrome Prints

The maximum size for these mounts is 40cm x 50 cm, the print must be mounted on a minimum 3mm board and can’t be larger than 40cm x 50cm.

Print Images entries should be submitted online no later than 7pm on competition night. 

Digitally Projected Images
Digital Images entries should be submitted online no later then 11:59PM two weeks prior competition
Reminder emails will be sent out. Images will not be accepted after closing date.
Digital Images must be submitted in JPEG format with resolution not exceeding 1920 pixels in width and 1080 pixels in height.
Images should be saved with SRGB profile and should not exceed 3mb in size.

  1. Images must be all the author’s own work and photographed by them. Every photographic element must be your own work. Plagiarism is unacceptable. 
  2. All entries and points awarded are subject to the approval of the Competition Secretary and Digital Secretary (Projectionist). If there are any enquiries relating to an entry, please see one of these Secretaries.

10.Image of the Year: Members must have been in the club for at least 6 months to be eligible to enter Image of the Year. Any image that has been entered in the current competition year is eligible for this competition. Images must be entered in the same section as first judged. Images must be unchanged.

11.Entries gaining a Merit or Credit Award are expected to be made available for selection in future FCC, Interclub or other external competition. All care is taken with these images.


Awards Open Set
 Merit  4  5
 Credit  3  4
 Entry  1  2
 Top Shot     5