July Committee Meetings

Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome 24-28 John St, Lidcome, NSW, Australia

Mystery Box with Janie News

Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome 24-28 John St, Lidcome, NSW, Australia

MYSTERY BOX: select a picture where you will include theĀ contents of the Mystery Box. (Mystery Box will be madeĀ available when renewing your membership at the

Lightroom Next Step

Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome 24-28 John St, Lidcome, NSW, Australia

Portrait/Open Competition with Kerry Boytell

Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome 24-28 John St, Lidcome, NSW, Australia

PORTRAITURE: as a general rule a portrait is the likenessĀ of a person or animal, in which the face and expression isĀ predominant.

Q&A Night

Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome 24-28 John St, Lidcome, NSW, Australia

Send your questions and we will collate responses and discuss on the night! Send questions to the digital secretary at ccdooleys@gmail.com

Yellow/Open Competition with Alan Hitchell

Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome 24-28 John St, Lidcome, NSW, Australia

COLOUR YELLOW: image that depicts the colour asĀ predominant part of subject